Sunday 6 September 2020

Unfortunate lawnmower incident

It has been a pleasant and sociable few days. We had a convivial lunch in Wetherspoons with Hilary and Steven on Thursday, then popped over to Milngavie for a coffee with Gordon and Sue on Friday. Last night Forrest, Marjory and Neil came round to ours for a Chinese meal. It was great to see them, however for some reason the meal did not agree with me and my tummy has been unhappy all day today. 
Yesterday James went across to cut Grandma’s grass and when he came home he couldn’t find his glasses. After searching for them all round the house, he remembered that at one point while he was cutting the grass he had been hit in the face by a tree branch. He didn’t remember his glasses falling off, but we both went across the road to check. We searched under the tree and sure enough there were a few small pieces of glass on the grass beneath it, and, the conclusive evidence, a piece of one of the legs of James’ glasses! So when the branch had hit his face, his glasses had fallen off and then James had mowed over them with the lawnmower. Oh dear. 
Heather and Ewan came round for a coffee this afternoon and it was warm enough that we could sit outside in the garden. It was lovely to see them. Later Ally and Cat arrived home from their weekend in Fort William where they had climbed five Munros over the two days. 

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