Thursday 17 September 2020

Stac Pollaidh and Canisp

Jennifer and I climbed Stac Pollaidh today. We deliberately took our time, stopping to rest whenever we felt like it, and as a result we got to the summit in excellent spirits. We chatted to several friendly people on the way. The views were tremendous even though it was a grey day. The last wee scramble up to the cairn was rather exposed but it was worth it and we felt a real sense of achievement. We decided to descend by circumnavigating the hill, and as we carefully picked our way down the very steep first part of the path I was quite scared of falling, so sat down on rocks several times on my way down to keep myself steady. As a result the seat of my trousers became a bit muddy and damp. Soon the path became more defined and we were able to stride along. I bent over, displaying my backside to my dear sister, and said to Jennifer, “Just how bad is my arse?” (referring to my muddy trousers). Jennifer replied in the same ladylike fashion, “You look as if you’ve cacked yourself!” Just then, something made us turn our heads to the left and we saw two of the friendly people that we had met earlier sitting just above the path eating their sandwiches. They had heard every word! Well, the four of us just laughed and laughed, it was hilarious! 
Meanwhile James and Russ were climbing Canisp, a few miles north of us. They had a good climb although the last 200 metres were encased in cloud. We all felt that we deserved our massive dinner later, which consisted of Lochinver pies and mash followed by Jennifer’s famous and delicious bread and butter pudding. 

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