Wednesday 28 February 2018


I have been enjoying my twice (and often thrice!) weekly swim sessions. I swim about 1.3 km in an hour; this is woefully slow compared to my younger self. So I'm trying to improve my speed but I think it will take a while. I have found out that I need to get to the pool early to avoid the school swimming lessons which block off half of the swimming area. Worse still is the Tuesday morning aqua aerobics class, which is very busy and annoys me because I can't help noticing that quite a lot of the participants are hardly partaking at all. Last week as I swam up and down the paltry fifteen metres remaining for swimmers while the class was on, I was watching two ladies who didn't stop talking at all throughout their class and barely joined in the actions.
If I can't go down to the pool early, it's better to wait until midday when it quietens off for a while. On Tuesday I was happily ploughing up and down, thinking pleasant thoughts, when an elderly gentleman accosted me to ask if I had been humming a tune as I swam. I had to admit that this was indeed the case. He then told me that I reminded him of the Lorelei and described them as lovely water spirits who lured sailors to their deaths with their beautiful singing. I rather liked the comparison! However James later pointed out that Lorelei are nasty, murderous creatures!

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