Thursday 1 February 2018

Getting fitter

So that's a whole month now that I have been attempting to get fitter. The last time that I got really fit was over the summer of 2013, when I also lost a lot of weight, but over the last three or four years the weight has gradually crept back on. Starting on the 1st of January I have been both calorie counting and taking more exercise. I'm not too strict about the calories - I'm just trying to be more aware of what I'm consuming. Needless to say I ate exactly what I liked on holiday last week! But with the exercise I'm trying really hard. My main methods are swimming and walking; I'm going for a swim about three times a week, and I'm trying to seize any opportunity to walk - the complete opposite of my usual habits!
For example today my car needed to go to Hillington for a service. Ally kindly took it over there in the morning and I took the train to work. Normally I would have taken a taxi to collect it later. However today I walked from school into Glasgow Central Station which took about 40 minutes, took a train to Hillington West, and walked for another 20 minutes to the Volvo Garage. Not only was this good exercise, but I found it very enjoyable. The weather was cold but bright and the city looked fine, with the low sun lighting up the Caledonia Street Church as I passed by, and reflecting on the windows of the office buildings. Hillington Industrial Estate was not so pretty but it was interesting to look at all the different businesses as I strode along in the twilight.
I have a long way to go (literally and metaphorically!) but I'm enjoying the journey so far!

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