Sunday 25 February 2018

Urban Exploration

Today has been a really beautiful sunny day. James and I decided to go out for a walk in the morning, along the River Clyde to Blantyre and Bothwell Castle. However we ended up on the wrong side of the river (it was my fault needless to say, because I assumed there would be another bridge after Carmyle, but the one we could see on the map was blocked off).  Nothing daunted, we continued along the north side of the Clyde, past the lovely curved weir at Carmyle, and ended up making our way up through a new plantation of trees where we saw three roe deer running along. That part of the walk was rather picturesque, but the next part skirted closely past the sewage works and continued along above the motorway embankment.  Although admittedly this bit was not so pretty, it was extremely interesting to walk through an area which I have previously only driven past on the motorway. It was a proper walkway, complete with benches upon which to rest, although strangely it was divided by fences with padlocked gates in two places. This didn't hold James and me back; we simply climbed over the fences and continued on our way. Eventually, we crossed over the motorway and walked along the road into Uddingston, from where we got the train home to Cambuslang. So it wasn't the walk that we had planned but it was fascinating nonetheless.
Later on Grandma came round for dinner as usual, and Ally and Cat arrived back from their Winter Skills training course at Glenmore Lodge. They showed us their photos, which were beautiful and very sunny and snowy, and they told us about their adventures, and all the things that they had learnt on the course. It sounded great. 

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