Sunday 25 February 2018

The Mystery of the Missing Waterproof Trousers

James has been looking for his missing waterproof trousers for a couple of weeks now. They are rather nice new ones that I gave him for Christmas. He has searched the house and garage high and low, and has speculated on where he might have left them.  He was beginning to think that he must have left them in some hostel or car park, when hillwalking. However this morning, I suddenly had an inspiration  and the mystery was solved. It occurred to me that I keep my waterproof trousers in my rucksack, ready to go hillwalking at a moment's notice.  Could I possibly have accidentally put James's trousers in there too? And indeed it was so. Upon investigation, the rucksack did contain two pairs of waterproof trousers. James was torn between delight that his trousers have turned up and irritation that I have had them the whole time. When I said to him, "Isn't that great that I found your trousers?" he replied, "Well, that's one way of looking at it ..." and gave me a very ambiguous stare.
It has been a very pleasant weekend. Last night Heather and Ewan came round for dinner, and inspired by a Mexican meal that we had with them recently, I decided to make Mexican chicken for the main course. This involved  much chopping and marinating; in addition to the chicken there were many constituent parts to the meal including salsa, soured cream, and refried beans. However it all came together and turned out well, or so our guests assured us. We were all reminiscing  about our recent fabulous holiday to the Dolomites, and after dinner we looked at our photos on the television screen. What beautiful weather and snow and scenery! It was a very friendly and relaxing evening, rounded off with an "assemble it yourself" dessert involving Wensleydale cheese and fruit cake (which we brought back from Yorkshire last weekend) and assorted exotic fruits.

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