Saturday 14 May 2016

Under the weather

It has been quite an unfortunate couple of weeks and I have not had any energy to blog. After the prom at the end of April James and I went to Boat of Garten for the first May weekend with Alison and Hugh. It was a fantastic weekend - we did lots of walking and I used my new Fitbit, notching up 35000 steps a day. I really thought that it was the start of a new season of fitness for me. The weather was lovely and as well as a great meal at Andersons restaurant we went quad biking on the Monday.
However when I got home I quickly developed a cold - a really nasty cold, complete with sore head and a bad cough. I soldiered on at work - there was no way that I was going to be off work when my pupils needed support to get through their SQA exams, but I felt rubbish. I also felt strangely down. This was partly to do with feeling unwell but also i was worried about Ally.
Ally was already unlucky that he was going to have his exams over three days in a row, instead of spread over a couple of weeks. Then he caught my cold (I feel really guilty about that). Then his computer broke with all of his notes list. Then his cold went into his lungs - he looked terrible. Jamie happened to be home for the week and was a hero; he drove to Edinburgh and back to get antibiotics for Ally. We had joked the night before that Ally's train would probably break down on the morning of his exam. Well, it didn't actually break down but when it arrived at the station it was too full for Ally to get on. He phoned Jamie who drove him to the university. Unbelievable.
So it has just been a really difficult two weeks. However things seem to be looking up. Ally's exams are over; he is absolutely exhausted but relieved. And James and I are at the airport in our way for a weekend in London. When I went in to Ally's bedroom this morning to say goodbye, he told me that he had just been dreaming that he was sitting an exam - but instead of Law it was about Shakespeare's Coriolanus!

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