Tuesday 31 May 2016

Proper warm weather

It's the last day of May and the weather has become increasingly warm and sunny over the last week. We have just had a four day holiday weekend, however I was working on the Friday and Monday in order to read and scribe for SQA exams. The good news is that I will get the time back in a couple of weeks when James and I have a long weekend in Copenhagen. And I really wouldn't have been happy without being right there to make sure that the pupils got through their exams ok - which they did! I was very proud of them. 
However it wasn't "all work and no play" and I still had plenty of time to chill out in the garden and even had a bit of a social whirl; catching up with friends and hosting book club. We also met up with Davie, Jamie and Aisling in Dundee for lunch on Sunday at our old favourite, the Bridgeview Station Restaurant, which was extremely pleasant. 
Last night James and I had a barbecue in the garden - the first of the season. It was just the two of us because Ally and Cat are on holiday doing some hill-walking. My hammock is being well used and this evening I had a truly lovely couple of hours in it reading my book. Although there was a comic moment when I was trying to lift a reluctant Tom into it with me, and I managed to tip the whole thing over and land on the grass! Only my dignity was harmed! 

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