Sunday 14 February 2016

Tomorrow is a Latter Day

Our London weekend continued with a visit to the Tate Modern where I wanted to see the nine Rothko Seagram paintings. They are quite dark and brooding, but the museum was busy and it was hard to feel meditative with so many people moving around. James was not at all impressed by Rothko and I caught him checking the football results on his phone!
We had dinner at Palomar, a really good wee Israeli restaurant in the theatre district. The food and atmosphere were great and I had polenta with asparagus, mushrooms and truffle oil which was amazing, also Shakshukit which was a delicious kebab with minced meat, yoghurt and tahini. James had cod with octopus and harissa. 
James had booked tickets for the Book of Mormon because he had heard that it is very funny. I wasn't so sure; I don't like entertainment that deliberately sets out to shock. I find that it never actually shocks me, but often annoys me by its disrespect, either to me or others. I'm not sure if that makes sense but that's how I feel. When the show started I had my doubts but I was soon won over by the great songs and dancing, and found that under its veneer of outrageousness it was in fact funny, feel-good and surprisingly moral. It certainly poked fun at the Mormon religion but also at all religions and at human nature in general, and the humour was good-natured. The actors were brilliant; so talented and full of enthusiasm, and the plot was clever and very witty as well as entertaining. It's the funniest thing I have seen for a long time and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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