Sunday 14 February 2016

Churchill's Underground Lair

Today we went to visit Churchill's War Rooms. We have never been before and Alasdair recommended them after his recent visit to London so we decided to give it a go. It was a fine morning so we walked there from Southwark, along the Thames to Waterloo Bridge, then across Horseguards to the Treasury building. The war rooms are underground there, in what used to be old storage rooms. Although they were reinforced, they wouldn't have withstood a direct hit from a bomb. There were meeting rooms, map rooms, living quarters, and there is a fairly large museum about Churchill's life. It was all fascinating and we were in there for hours because there were so many things to see. We had a late lunch of bruschetta and risotto at the Café Concerto and did a bit of shopping in Jermyn Street as well as some food shopping in Fortnum and Masons. And now we're back at London City Airport about to board our flight home. It has been a really fun weekend.

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