Monday 1 February 2016

A concert for Bert Jansch

When we were having lunch yesterday with Catherine and Iain we discovered that, coincidentally, we were all going to the same concert this evening! It was "Bert Inspired; a concert for Bert Jansch" and it was the very last performance in this year's Celtic Connections. 
Bert Jansch was a folk musician who died about five years ago. He was a singer-songwriter who was sometimes known as the "British Bob Dylan" and he was an influence on many performers, some of whom were at the concert tonight to pay tribute to him by singing his songs. Among others there was his former band mate from Pentangle, Jacqui McShee; Graham Coxon of Blur and younger singers like the excellent Karine Polwart and the very enthusiastic Riley Walker. The most famous friend and devotee who was there to pay tribute to Jansch was Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin fame. It was a unique line up whose singing and anecdotes about Jansch made for a very personal, affectionate concert. My favourite songs of the evening? The hauntingly beautiful "Needle of Death" and the lovely "Is it Real?"

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