Tuesday 2 February 2016

Theory test

Last night was another stormy night. The wind was whipping and whooshing around, and there were some huge gusts that seemed to shake the whole house. And this is a Victorian house which is well settled on its foundations and has withstood the weather for about 120 years. As usual I quite enjoyed listening to the storm from the comfort of my warm bed. When we woke up it was still windy but not so severe; our garden fence has been partly blown down and there were reports on the radio about flooding and damage. The day was steely grey and very bleak and wintry. 
Ally passed the theory part of his driving test today. He was describing very amusingly how, when each candidate went up to the desk to get their results, the clerk either gave a pleased smile or a sympathetic grimace, depending on their success or lack thereof. 

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