Thursday, 13 February 2025


Davie and Chanel left Pas de la Casa at 3 a.m. this morning to travel to Barcelona for their flight home. When we went down for breakfast without them I really missed them. James, Ally, Cat and I checked out of the hotel, and went by car to Gras Roig for a special treat; Ally and Cat had booked a Snowmobile session for James’ birthday! It was a breathtakingly beautiful morning and we had great fun. We have never been snowmobiling before and it was both exhilarating and very speedy; at some points I thought that I was going to bounce right off the snowmobile.
Then we went to Andorra La Vella, the tiny capital city of this tiny country. Set in a steep-sided valley it was a prosperous looking town with lots of sculptures and high end shops. We had lunch in Restaurant 120 in the main shopping street where Cat and I had tasty Escalivada, a traditional Catalan dish of smoky grilled vegetables, served as a toastie. We travelled back through the mountains and over the border into France, and on to Toulouse where Cat had booked a smart apartment near the city centre, so we could walk everywhere. We had dinner at a wee restaurant called La Binocle where the waiter was absolutely determined to impose his terrible English on us even though I was speaking to him in my perfectly acceptable (if I say so myself) French. He also seemed nervous about the process of being a waiter and said things like “I’m going to clear away your plates now. Is that ok?” The food was excellent and we headed to bed replete and tired after our exciting day. 

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