Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Football and Music

Day 3 of our lessons and unfortunately Chanel was not with us because of her injury yesterday. Santiago was dismayed that she had been hurt. The cloud was sweeping through the valley, sometimes almost completely obscuring the runs, and the next minute we were back to sunshine again. Santi said that when the cloud is low the ski instructors call the valley Mordor! After an hour my right knee was hurting quite a bit; I decided that discretion was the better part of valour and said my farewells and returned to the hotel. To look on the bright side this gave Cat nearly two hours of individual tuition, which she made the most of and enjoyed. 
Chanel and I took the Els Pioners gondola to meet the others for lunch at the open air restaurant at the top. Luckily the cloudy start to the day had transformed into a sunny afternoon so it was warm enough to sit outside, and it was very pleasant having our lunch while chatting and watching the skiers on the mountain. 
In the afternoon Chanel and I went for a walk around the town and had a look in the several small supermarkets to see if there was anything interesting. There was lots of booze and cigarettes and perfume; all I bought was a few snacks. It was a good wee walk. James and Cat arrived at the hotel shortly after we got back; they had enjoyed their afternoon on the slopes until they felt ready to head back. Ally and Davie stayed out on the pistes until closing time as usual; I’m really proud that they are such good skiers. Cat and I went for a swim and jacuzzi in the spa, which helped to stretch and relax my tired leg muscles. 
We had such a great evening. After a delicious dinner we arrived in the busy bar just as a family was about to vacate the best seats in the house; the two big couches beside the fire. As we settled in with our drinks a football match between Manchester City and Real Madrid started on the big screen across from us, and an excellent singer / guitarist sang in Catalan, Spanish and English. I felt very happy. 

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