Saturday 10 August 2024


 It was so rainy on Friday that we went through to Inverness for lunch and the cinema. We wanted to see the film Twisters, a standalone sequel to the 1996 film Twister, which Heather and Ewan had told us has a country music soundtrack. And indeed I enjoyed the music very much, and the enthusiastic young cast acted their hearts out. However there were so many tornado scenes! I know, I know, that’s the whole point of the film! But no matter how impressive the special effects were, they did go on a bit. All in all it was an enjoyable way to spend a rainy afternoon. 
We were much luckier with the weather today. It was warm and sunny in the morning with big white clouds. James went for a big walk up to and along Loch Achall, and I walked down to the village to pick up a prescription. I got a coffee from Tea by the Sea and drank it sitting outdoors at the harbour, looking at the boats. James arrived back at the cottage just before me and it started raining - we were so glad that we had spent the morning out of doors. We did housework and admin in the afternoon and read our books. I have two books on the go at the moment, which is unusual for me. One is Pretty Young Rebel by Flora Fraser, about Flora MacDonald who helped to transport Bonnie Prince Charlie from North Uist to Skye in 1746. I’m reading it because Alison and I are going to see Flora Fraser at the Nairn Book Festival in September. The other is The Sheltering Sky by Paul Bowles, a novel about an American couple travelling in North Africa in the 1940s after the 2nd World War. This was recommended to me by Ally after his holiday to Morocco, he likes to read books set in the destinations to which he travels. As a result he has recommended some very interesting books to me, of which my favourite so far has been the wonderful The Day Lasts more than a Hundred Years by Chinghiz Aitmatov. 

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