Tuesday 6 August 2024

More Olympics

I decided to walk to the lighthouse yesterday morning, before the forecast rain later. However the tide was right in which meant quite a lot of climbing over rocky outcrops instead of walking along the shore. Some of these were very slippery and I fell and slid down one of them in a very undignified manner; luckily I wasn’t hurt and there was nobody around to see me! I decided to turn back after about three kilometres, and when I messaged him James kindly walked to meet me with a flask of coffee. The rain had started by this time so we drank it under the shelter of a rock before making our way back to the cottage! 

The Olympics have continued for the past couple of weeks. It’s quite interesting although I tend just to watch the highlights in the evenings. After competing in his last Wimbledon last month, Andy Murray finally retired from competitive tennis after losing in the Olympic tennis doubles quarter finals on 2nd August. He has worked hard for many years and had a good run, and there have been lots of tributes to him. 

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