Wednesday 3 January 2024

Tom becomes suspicious

After a sunny couple of days it was back to drizzle yesterday, but we were lucky in Ullapool compared to England who were being battered by Storm Henk. We had breakfast with Davie and Chanel and then they packed up to head home. The cats knew that something was up when they saw them bringing their bags downstairs, and I’m sure that Flora was asking Davie not to leave because she was meowing very loudly at him! I was sad to see them leave too, we have had a lovely New Year with them. 
After lunch James and I braved the rain to go for a walk to the harbour and to Tesco and then home via West Terrace. James lit the fire and we had a relaxing afternoon and evening with the cats. 
Today it was still drizzly. James shampooed the living room carpet which somehow gave Tommy the impression that we were about to head home, which of course would mean him being put into his cage in the car. I think that he was mixing the carpet cleaner up with the hoover, which James usually wields just before we head home. Tommy desperately asked to go out, and then spent the next few hours watching the house from the garden and refusing to come in when invited. Eventually he came indoors but was still watching us suspiciously. 
I had a couple of errands to do in the village, and then went for a swim at the sports centre. As I have noticed before, both the water and the air are very warm at the swimming pool, really rather too warm for me. It’s bearable when swimming but when I was getting dried and dressed I was breaking into a sweat! I was relieved to emerge into the damp but fresh air again for my walk home. 

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