Friday 5 January 2024

Don’t Give Up On Us Baby

Poor Tom. His suspicions about an imminent car journey grew throughout Wednesday as he watched James put the bike racks on the car and various packing activities happening. As a result he spent nearly the whole day outdoors and by the evening he was so tired that he fell deeply asleep on his favourite chair. Meanwhile James and I had a useful day around the house, including getting the WiFi fixed (the technician had come all the way from Wrexham). He couldn’t find the connection box that was supposed to be in the lane, and it turned out to be under a bush in Anne’s garden, which I thought was quite funny! I did a bit of cleaning, James did some gardening and I went for a swim. It was still overly warm in the pool area. Anne came round for a coffee in the afternoon and we caught up on news, and James and I used up the last of the food in the fridge for dinner.
This morning we finished packing and set off home. We put the cats into the study so that they couldn’t run away, which turned out to be a mistake because they hid under the very low couch and it was very difficult to retrieve them. By the time we got into the car James and I were both hot and bothered. However we made good time on our way home; four hours plus a short stop at Ralia. Many fields were flooded by all the recent rain, and much of Perthshire was prettily swathed in mist. The house was a bit chilly when we arrived so I had a warming bath and felt very jolly. The cats were amazed to be home and demanded to be fed immediately, then went from room to room and in and out of the cat flap restlessly. 
I heard on the news that David Soul (Hutch of 1970s fame) has died at the age of 80. I always preferred Starsky (Paul Michael Glaser) to Hutch, and David Soul once unforgivably told a friend of mine to f*** off when she asked him for an autograph at an airport when she was twelve! However Libby and I went to see David Soul at the Apollo in about 1978, where of course he sang “Don’t Give Up on Us Baby.” Happy memories. 
In the evening we had a very pleasant curry and chat with Ally and Cat, who will be setting off back to London tomorrow. 

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