Wednesday 24 January 2024

Hotel Almhof

Our lovely ski holiday in Galtür has continued happily despite some rather mixed midweek weather. I moved on to group lessons with an instructor called Tobi and they are great fun. There are four of us in the class (we started with about seven but some peoples’ holidays have ended) and both the instructor and the girls in the class are really nice, we have a good laugh. After not skiing last year and losing confidence in my skiing the year before (entirely my own fault because of lack of fitness), I am so delighted to be back on the slopes, something I wasn’t sure would happen. Tobi is an excellent instructor, he pushes us to go down steep slopes and then points back up and says; “There, look what you have done!” When we eventually show signs of anguish (we are all similarly minded!) he takes us to easier slopes where we can continue practising our turns before he takes us to another more testing run. It’s so good and I really feel that I am making progress. 
James had a great birthday on Monday. He was wished a Happy Birthday and given a chocolate cake at breakfast time, and Heather and Ewan kindly gave him a bottle of Champagne. I joined everyone in Ischgl by bus after my ski lesson and met the others at the Hotel Post for a convivial birthday lunch. Later the celebrations continued with the usual fabulous dinner in the restaurant followed by brandy upstairs and of course cake. 

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