Sunday 27 August 2023

The cats try to avoid the car journey

The cats led us a merry dance this morning when it was time to leave Ullapool and set off for Glasgow. We tried to be discreet as we packed the car, but it was no use; Floof hid in a wardrobe and Tom disappeared outside. This delayed us about two hours in setting off, which was quite annoying because the traffic was busy around Perth and might have been less so if we had set off earlier. Finally Tom came strolling back into the cottage, no doubt hoping that we would have changed our minds about going on a journey. Twenty seconds later he was in the cat carrier and we were on our way. Flora, as is necessary, spent the first part of the journey sitting on my lap. She is fine to go in the cat carrier from Inverness southwards, but on the long and winding road between Ullapool and Inverness she is usually sick in the cat carrier and sometimes she does a poo as well! Sitting on my knee she was fairly relaxed, but when we got to Inverness and I tried to pop her into the cat carrier with Tom, she wriggled free and ran around inside the car. James managed to catch her by opening the boot, which surprised her, and soon she was in the carrier and we were on our way! 

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