Tuesday 8 August 2023

The Ceilidh Place

Yesterday James and I sat at one of the tables outside our old favourite, the Ceilidh Place, and had coffee and shared a scone and chatted about all sorts. And I just thought how very nice it was to be together at this restaurant that we have visited so many times over the last thirty five years or so. 

And this evening we were back at the Ceilidh Place, this time for dinner with Lesley and Chris. It was a delicious meal and rounded off a day that was all the more enjoyable due to the better than expected weather. We had started off by meeting them at the harbour for a trip on the Shearwater. It was sunny, much warmer than I had thought it would be, and we saw a sea eagle as well as lots of gannets and cormorants. We also saw a large pod of dolphins riding the waves and leaping in and out of the water, there must have been at least thirty of them. We walked round to the cottage for lunch and then sat out in the garden on the benches to have coffee. It was very hot, and after walking Lesley and Chris to Highland Stoneware where they had vouchers to use, we strolled back to the house and read our books in the sunshine. 

Our dinner at the Ceilidh Place was delicious and afterwards James and Chris tasted a couple of whiskies back at the cottage as the sun set.  

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