Tuesday 18 May 2021

West Highland Way - Drymen to Rowardennan

Day 2 has been distinctly more challenging than day1! Not just because the distance was a bit longer (24 km) but because the terrain was much hillier. We started with a long, gradual incline out of Drymen, before approaching the slopes of Conic Hill. Strangely enough it was before we ascended the hill that I got a bit hot and bothered - it was very sunny and the breeze had dropped. I had a wee rest and a coffee, and then, reenergised, walked all the way up Conic Hill without stopping. When we rounded the shoulder of the hill the wind was fresher and we could see rain sweeping across Loch Lomond towards us. We put our jackets on but it didn’t rain very heavily and soon blew over. The view of Loch Lomond was absolutely beautiful. James pointed out the Highland boundary fault line which runs through Conic Hill and is evidenced by the line of islands going across Loch Lomond. It’s a massive geological fracture which separates the Highlands from the Lowlands, and runs right across Scotland from Kintyre to Stonehaven. The first part of the descent from the hill was very steep and treacherous, because the path is very eroded, so I used my walking poles to assist me and was very glad that I had brought them. Down to the side of Loch Lomond at Balmaha we went, and had a light lunch in the very nice Oak Tree restaurant. The second half of our walk was along the side of Loch Lomond to Rowardennan. It was a bit rainy just after lunch and then brightened into a gorgeous, sunny afternoon and evening. Our path took us through woods filled with bluebells and birdsong, with the loch shining beside us. The trouble was that the path rose and fell again and again and again. Sometimes we climbed 50 metres, sometimes 90 metres, and it added up into quite a lot of effort over the remaining 12 km! We finally arrived at the Rowardennan Hotel at 6 p.m. and I was exhausted. However a refreshing shower soon perked me up and we had dinner in the bar, where the menu was unexceptional but the staff were friendly. I’m now tucked up in bed and the view of the Loch from our bedroom window is lovely.

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