Wednesday 12 May 2021

Hill-walking Club Reunion

Yesterday was a very happy occasion; a mid-week walk at the Falls of Clyde with our hill-walking club. Now that restrictions are easing, fifteen people are allowed to meet for outdoor exercise. In fact it wasn’t the first meet up of the club since lockdown, there was a day walk a fortnight ago while we were in Ullapool. This was the first one that James and I have been able to attend and it was delightful. 
For a start, we were very lucky with the weather; it was sunny all day which was indeed fortunate in the run of rather mixed weather that we have had recently. But more importantly it was lovely to see our walking chums again, some of them for the first time in about eighteen months. There were thirteen of us on the walk and as we strolled along we were chatting with everyone and catching up on their news. We did the full circuit from New Lanark up to Bonington Lynn and then right down to Kirkfieldbank where we crossed the bridge and walked back up to the village. The café in the visitor centre is open again - oh the normality! - so we had a restoring stop there before going our separate ways. 

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