Friday 16 April 2021

Linn Park

We went for a walk around Linn Park with Steven and Hilary on Wednesday. It was a revelation to us because I don’t think that we have ever been there before, which is quite shameful considering that we live near it. It is really lovely, with the River Cart running through it and it even has a waterfall. Before we crossed pretty Snuff Mill Bridge, we popped in to be shown round the beautiful garden of Steven and Hilary’s friends, who live right beside the bridge, they made us feel very welcome. 
Back at Steven and Hilary’s house we sat in the garden in the warm sunshine where we enjoyed a delicious lunch. It felt like proper springtime. The weather has continued to be gorgeous which has been nice when I have been swimming.
It was announced last week by the Scottish Government that from today we are allowed to travel throughout Scotland, ten days earlier than planned. James and I got very excited about this and planned to go to Ullapool this afternoon for a week. We packed our stuff and were all ready to go when we double checked the rules and realised that the permitted travel is only for day trips, and we will not be allowed to stay overnight in other council areas until the 26th April, a week on Monday. We were so disappointed! Never mind, we will hopefully be there soon, and in the meantime we will enjoy being with Ally, Cat and the kitties. 

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