Tuesday 13 April 2021

Walk of Shame

I am still trying hard with my exercise and diet, in order to be fit for the summer. I have lost half a stone over the last couple of weeks although my current weight is still well over what I want it to be. I mean at least a stone over! 
I’m swimming my 1000 metres about five times a week, and I have my personal trainer sessions twice a week. This week I have been to a couple of classes, which are being held under the shelter of the driving range. It’s rather chilly there but the exercise is so terrifyingly vigorous that I don’t feel cold. Today’s class was called “Total body workout” and I didn’t really know what to expect; it turned out to be lifting weights and doing exercises while holding weights - very strenuous. The numbers in the classes are strictly limited and yesterday the instructor discovered at the start of the class that we were one over the allotted number. Nobody owned up to not having booked, so the instructor had to go and get the register. She did a roll call and it turned out that one of the attendees had brought her teenage daughter along without booking, and had just stood quietly when the instructor asked who had not booked, no doubt hoping that she would give up and just go ahead with the class. This did not work and the unfortunate teenager had to do a “walk of shame” out of the class while the rest of us looked on disapprovingly - by this time the class was fifteen minutes late in starting. 
I met Kathryn for a walk this afternoon at Pollok Park. They are currently experimenting with having no traffic at all allowed in the park, because it has been far too busy recently. So we met at St Andrew’s Drive and walked across the road to the entrance. We had a very nice walk and chat, and got a takeaway coffee from the café at the house. The daffodils were out in full force and looked splendid. 

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