Friday 30 April 2021

Spring in Ullapool

I can hardly believe how this week in Ullapool has flown by. We have walked up Ullapool Hill a couple of times and enjoyed the views of the Summer Isles. I have been swimming in the pool twice; currently you have to book a space for lane swimming. It’s a very nice 25 metre pool, but the air indoors is far too warm for me - I’m used to getting changed outdoors at the poolside these days! The village is still quite quiet; the tourists have not yet arrived in significant numbers. We are here much earlier in the year than last year, when we were not allowed to be here until the beginning of July. The daffodils are still out and the path beside the river is lined with wood anemones. 
James has cut the grass and is tackling the remaining gorse at the front of the house again. He has removed so much - we were just looking at the “before” photos from last year and the gorse was about eight feet high and covered the whole of the front garden. 
We have walked around the village almost every day, and today we visited a “pop up” Rhidorroch gin shop, newly opened in a little wooden shed beside the Seafood Shack; the distiller is the sister of the Seafood Shack’s owner. James had a gin and tonic and was impressed enough to buy a bottle for his collection.

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