Sunday 1 November 2020

A Blue Moon

Sean Connery died yesterday. The best James Bond. He was 90 and had been ill for some time but it was still sad to hear. Also yesterday there was a blue moon. Not actually blue, but according to one definition, the second full moon to fall in a month. This isn’t actually all that unusual; I looked it up and, strictly speaking, the proper definition of a blue moon is the third full moon in a season which has four full moons. However I was excited enough to go out and see it with the clouds scudding across it on the windy night, and I called James, Ally and Cat outside to look at it too. 
Hallowe’en was quiet because this year children are not allowed to go round the houses because of Covid. The four of us decided to watch a film and Ally suggested Lawrence of Arabia, one of James’ favourites. Cat hadn’t seen it before but was happy to watch it, and the rest of us were delighted to see it again. It’s so good, and we had a great evening. 

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