Wednesday 4 November 2020

Election in America

The Presidential Election in America took place yesterday, 3rd November. The results have been very different from four years ago when we woke up the next morning to find out that Donald Trump already had a definite victory. This time the results are much, much closer, and this evening it is still not clear who is going to win. At the moment it looks like Joe Biden and the Democrats might just scrape through in first place, but it could still go either way. Unsurprisingly, Donald Trump is already preparing legal challenges and demanding recounts. 

England is just going into a four week lockdown to try to reduce rates of Covid infection. Scotland seems to be sticking to its five tier system so far, but there’s a general feeling that we might lockdown further soon. 

Meanwhile at Casa Anderson we are getting on with life as contentedly as possible, given the uncertain times that we are living in. We had brunch at House for an Art Lover with Heather and Ewan on Sunday and then a walk around Bellahouston Park. It was so lovely to see them. Cat and I have started to do a 30 day Yoga challenge throughout November. I’m also trying to do more walking and am enjoying listening to audiobooks while doing so. And I’m spending thirty minutes on the exercise bike per day. My legs are sore, particularly my dodgy knee, and I’m hoping that they’ll get stronger soon. I’m only four days into all this so we’ll see whether I manage to keep it up! 

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