Thursday 19 March 2020

Working from home

We now have three young people who are working in our house. Ally has been sent home from his office to work since yesterday, and the Universities have all closed so Davie is having to do all of his studies online. He’s very disappointed because his lab work is his favourite part of the course and that has all been cancelled. And Cat travelled up from London last night; she has been instructed to work from home for at least the next two weeks, so she might as well do that from Scotland, especially as the number of cases of Coronavirus is much higher in London at the moment. Thank goodness for modern technology! All three of them are working hard using their computers - Ally and Cat each seem to be using two screens, which apparently is what is done in offices nowadays. It’s nice to have them around the house. Chanel is in Liverpool at her Dad's but hopefully we will see her before too long.
The Coronavirus crisis continues. So many things been cancelled and closed - theatres, cinemas, sports centres, and now all of the schools. All of the certificated exams have been cancelled all over the UK. Life has changed so much, so quickly. And yet when I popped out today to pick up some essential groceries I was surprised to see how many people were wandering around the shops and sitting in cafés. I’m not sure that people (around here anyway) are taking social distancing seriously enough. Time will tell.
On a completely different subject, James and I heard, and then spotted, a woodpecker in the local park this afternoon! We had gone out for a walk in the sunshine, keeping a responsible distance from other people that we passed of course. It was high up in a tree and we first heard its beak drumming away on the wood. Then James spotted it and pointed out its black and white plumage with a wee flash of red on its head. We were very excited. 

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