Monday 16 March 2020

Back home to the Epicentre of the Pandemic

The World Health Organisation has called Europe the epicentre of the pandemic in one of its updates this week. Oh dear. Nobody expected this crisis - the scale of it is unprecedented. We have just been awake for about thirty-six hours because our flight left Bali at five minutes past midnight on Sunday / Monday so we had been awake all day before our journey even began. It did mean that we got an extra full day of holiday, but we only managed to snatch a scant few hours of sleep over the two plane journeys so we are absolutely exhausted.
As I am now a vegetarian (since February) I ordered the “Indian vegetarian” option for my plane meals on Emirates, partly because I like Indian food and partly because there wasn’t a European vegetarian option - only a vegan one. I was well pleased with myself when I was served a tasty curry with rice and a chapatti for my dinner. However I was less thrilled when I was given another curry for breakfast, and my tummy wasn’t very happy either. I could soon feel the spices burning my stomach lining which resulted in several prolonged reflux coughing fits. This in turn alarmed the other passengers sitting near me who clearly thought that I was teeming with coronavirus. Lunch on our second flight from Dubai to Glasgow was also curry, but I’m glad to say that it was a lot milder. Apart from that the journey home went smoothly and we were delighted to be reunited with Davie and the cats (Ally and Cat are in Northern Ireland for the weekend.) It has been such a battle to stay awake until now, but James was adamant that we should wait until at least 10 p.m. to go to bed so that we would be back in tune with the Scottish time zone. Goodnight!

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