Saturday 21 March 2020

Social distancing

Yesterday Boris Johnson told all cafés, pubs, restaurants, cinemas and theatres that they must close by the end of the day. I feel that we have taken a necessary step forward because people simply were not socially distancing themselves enough. I’m not blaming anyone; it’s a very difficult concept to get our heads around. Also it’s strange that the new phrases “self-isolation” and “social distancing” have become so commonplace so quickly!
James and I have been going out for walks but keeping our distance from others. The exception to this was popping into our local pharmacy yesterday to pick up a prescription for James’ ear infection. This was all arranged with impressive efficiency. James phoned our doctor at 8.30 a.m. and explained that he needed more antibiotics, we were told to pick them up from the pharmacy the same afternoon, and when we got there the prescription was already all bagged and ready for us. We were in and out in about three minutes, even though it was busy. And upon request we were even allowed to purchase 32 currently rare and highly desirable paracetamol tablets.
That same afternoon I had a couple of pleasant but safe social interactions. I took a deckchair up to the top of the garden where I had a chat with Suzy through the hedge, remaining at least two metres away from each other. It was lovely to be able to have a proper chat and catch up on our news. Coincidentally when we walked past Suzy’s parents’ house later, her Dad happened to be out on their balcony while he was on the phone to Suzy so we exchanged hellos! And then I had a phone call with Heather; we haven’t seen each other since before I set off to New Zealand and so much has happened since then. It was really nice to hear her voice and have a chat. 

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