Friday 30 November 2018

To run or not to run

I have been using an app on my phone called Couch to 5K in order to try out a bit of running. I have never been good at running, not even when I was at school. In fact whenever I try to run fast for whatever reason I often end up by falling down, the evidence of which is some quite bad scars on my knees. The app starts by encouraging you to run for 90 seconds then walk for 90 seconds, repeating about half a dozen times. Then each session increases your exercise, presumably until you can run for five kilometres. I say presumably, because I have only completed the first five sessions out of a total of twenty-four. I’m not sure whether I will finish the course. It’s not just that I am unfit and clumsy, the main reason is that I derive absolutely no pleasure in the activity. Friends who are runners have described to me the joy they feel as they speed along, and their exhilaration at the end of their run. None of these feelings have happened to me. 
When I went out running in light rain on Wednesday I was out of breath and gasping throughout, and at the end of my allotted time I found myself resting on a low wall in increasingly heavy rain about ten minutes walk from my house. Then I realised that I was just around the corner from my sister-in-law’s home. Inspired, I texted her and invited myself round for a coffee. Not only did Marjory make me a very welcome coffee she also very kindly gave me a lift home later! 
However the jury is still out for me on running. Not only am I rubbish at it, I don’t enjoy it. Also I think I will need to buy a more supportive bra if I continue. 

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