Saturday 24 March 2018

Parakeets in the park

We woke up to a chilly London on Sunday morning. It had snowed lightly during the night, and the outlines of the buildings were highlighted prettily in white. After a slap up breakfast in the Premier Inn, we all set off by the DLR to Greenwich where we walked around the outside of the Naval Museum and then up the hill to the Observatory. I had to give credit to the enthusiastic London sledgers who were sliding down the hill even though there was more grass evident than snow! Cat had obtained a leaflet about the history of the area and gave us an excellent guided tour on our way. We heard a squawking sound as we ascended the hill and, to my surprise, saw several parakeets flying around and landing on the trees. We have seen parakeets in the city of Barcelona before, but never in London - I wonder if it is a sign of global warming.
Back down the hill, we had a wander through Greenwich Market before setting off back to Southwark where we installed ourselves for drinks in the cosy St Christopher pub. Our final port of call was Ally’s fantastic London pad! It’s a company flat and it’s right in the heart of the city, very close to St Paul’s Cathedral and only a six minute walk from his office. It’s really gorgeous and beautifully decorated with wooden floors and white walls throughout. 
All too soon we had to set off home. While we were waiting for our flight at City Airport a fellow traveller recognised James; it was an old friend, Andrew, from our Youth Fellowship days. He moved away after university and we hadn’t seen him for more than thirty years! We had a lovely chat with him and his wife, it turns out that there have been many similarities in our lives! 
Our flight was delayed by an hour but we had time for a cup of tea when we got home and were reunited with the cats, who seemed very pleased to see us.

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