Sunday 4 March 2018

Go away snow!

I am so over the snow. It’s slowly melting on the ground but there are still icy patches and when I was up at Kingsgate this afternoon there were quite significant flurries of snow. We have had a pleasantly quiet Sunday and have got a few useful things done around the house. James has put a bunch of family photographs back up on the wall of the front living room. They all had to come down when we were decorating the room, and this has given us a chance to choose a new arrangement. It took him ages and it looks fantastic. I provided advice and consultation while I sat on the couch watching the last couple of episodes of “Big Little Lies. This is a strangely compelling murder mystery series which stars some really big names, most notably Reece Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman. It took me a while to warm up to it, but in the end I was won over by the intriguing story, the characters (who all had more depth than they first appeared to have) and of course the beautiful scenery of Monterey in California. 

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