Friday 13 September 2024


Yesterday I met up with Helen, Wendy, Maggie and Libby for one of our Ladies’ lunches. I so enjoy these meet ups with my school chums; I can hardly believe that we left school forty-five years ago! We sat at our usual table in Zizzi’s and Blanca was our waitress again, she is so pleasant and friendly. We had lots to catch up on; some serious life issues and also lots of good news, and we had an afternoon of chat and laughter. 
It’s nice to be back in Cambuslang and today I enjoyed pottering around the house with the very companionable Tom and Flora, who turned up in every room that I was tidying to see what I was up to! This evening we had a lovely curry and watched more of Vikings. It's holding my attention so far but there are a lot of episodes to go and I think that it moves on to future generations; I might not enjoy it so much without Ragnar, Lagertha, Siggy or Rollo.

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