Saturday 7 September 2024

Country Music at the Seafood Shack

Heather and Ewan arrived at lunchtime today and we were delighted that the weather was absolutely beautiful for them. The rest of the weekend is supposed to be less sunny so we decided to make the most of the glorious afternoon by walking down to the village. We heard from a neighbour yesterday that the Seafood Shack was having a fundraiser today for the Sandpiper Trust, in the form of a Country Music afternoon. So after strolling along the harbour front we arrived at the Seafood Shack and ordered lunch just as the first band was starting up. They were a great wee group and played a mixture of Scottish traditional music and Country music. Our food was delicious and we sat in the warm sunshine chatting and listening to the music. The only problem was that it was a bit too warm for me (yes, I know that I should be grateful for the heat after the dodgy weather we have had this summer!) and I retreated to a shady spot which suited me much better. As we made our way back to the cottage we noticed that more and more mist was rolling in from the sea along the loch, it looked beautiful and quite otherworldly. Back at the cottage we had coffee in the garden before James, Heather and Ewan went to climb Ullapool Hill. I did a bit of shopping and then met them at the Ferry Boat Inn for drinks. Later I made Butter Chicken (and paneer for me) and we had a relaxing evening chatting about all sorts of topics. It was very foggy on the loch by now, and when the Loch Seaforth blew its foghorn Tim and Flora came running indoors very nervous; they must have thought that it was a sea monster! 

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