Saturday 16 December 2023

It’s beginning to look a lot like …

The last week has whizzed by in a blur of Christmas preparations, but we are just about done now. Presents are purchased (although some are not wrapped), cards are written and posted or hand-delivered. James has marzipaned and iced the Christmas cake, the turkey and all the trimmings have been ordered, and we went to Aberfoyle last Sunday with Davie and Chanel to choose our Christmas trees. The David Marshall Lodge, where we had our traditional lunch after the trees were lashed to the roofs of our cars, has now been renamed “The Lodge.” I am offended for poor forgotten David Marshall. There used to be a Radio Clyde morning DJ called David Marshall, but it definitely wasn’t named after him because it pre-dated his tenure on Radio Clyde. *
I attended Claire’s 50th birthday party, a very pleasant occasion, and I have walked Vinnie a few times. He has been bitten at Doggie Daycare so has stitches in his side, poor wee soul. We had coffee with Alison and Hugh when they were visiting Glasgow, and Tommy and Carol too. I have been swimming at David Lloyd and also at Peebles Hydro, where we spent a couple of days, using vouchers gifted to us by Marjory and Forrest for my 60th. I’m quite worried about one of my three boys but shall not say more for reasons of confidentiality. As the saying goes, you are only as happy as your least happy child. Hopefully all will be well. 
So here we are, with only a week until Christmas; with the tree decorated and Christmas cards festooning the walls it does feel quite festive. 

* I did some investigation and the lodge was originally named after a David Marshall who was the 1950s chairman of the Carnegie UK Trust.

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