Saturday 30 December 2023

Between Christmas and New Year

Between Christmas and New Year is a funny old time. The year is almost over but not quite; it feels like a temporal no-man’s land. This has been exacerbated this year by the very dull and sometimes very rainy weather. However it has not been unpleasant; relaxation has been interspersed with some festive socialising. On Boxing Day we had lunch at Janie and Robert’s with Julie, Abigail and Graham. We had a good laugh and Ally seemed to enjoy himself despite being the youngest by a couple of decades! Then on the 27th we had dinner at Christine and Gerry’s and had a convivial evening with lots of good chat and also a fun quiz where we guessed the years in which well known events had taken place. 
The next day we travelled to Ullapool. The roads were flooded in places so we had to be particularly careful, and when we followed a diversion off the A9 to save a bit of time we found ourselves on rather snowy roads. They were also rather winding and bumpy so poor Flora vomited in the cat carrier and after clearing up I took her into the front of the car onto my knee. She had been a wee bit sick into Tom too, so it wasn’t very nice for him either. We were all relieved finally to arrive in Ullapool where we got the heating on and James lit a fire. 
Yesterday Davie and Chanel arrived to spend New Year with us and then Abigail and Graham came for dinner; they are staying in Inverness but had travelled to Ullapool to take photos of the Creel Tree and the Christmas lights. I made a gluten free meal which turned out very well if I say so myself! 
Today the weather is worse than ever! No snow yet, but rain and high winds. Despite this James and Davie went out for a big walk while Chanel worked on her maths and I read my book. In the evening Davie, Chanel and I played the Escape Room Game that Marjory and Forrest had given to Davie for Christmas. It was intricately designed and excellent fun; Davie and Chanel were extremely good at working it out even though it was very difficult, they are very clever.

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