Sunday 8 August 2021

A rainy day in August

It has been a rainy, and at times thundery, day. However despite that it has been a good wee day. I went for a swim in the morning so it didn’t matter that it was raining, in fact I rather enjoy swimming in the rain with the raindrops splashing into the pool. Back at home we had lunch then watched the final two episodes of Deutschland 89; it felt strange but pleasant to watch television in the afternoon as the rain battered down outside. We have really enjoyed the three Deutschland series (83, 86 and 89) and although I felt that the last series was a bit chaotic, it all came together for a satisfying ending. We watched quite a lot of episodes in the evenings in Cirencester in July so I associate watching the programme with heat rather than rain! 
However Tom and Flora were not impressed with the weather and they stared sadly out of the window at the rain, occasionally going out for a short time and then coming back in with wet fur. After a loud clap of thunder Flora came running indoors and jumped up onto my lap where she curled up and purred loudly.

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