Wednesday 17 June 2020

Missing Grandma

Although lockdown is easing a bit more every week, I have been feeling a bit down recently. This could be because of the cumulative sadness of all the deaths of lockdown, but I think that it is also that I have been grieving for Grandma. When she died at the end of November there were lots of arrangements to make and admin to do. Then came Christmas, and soon we were off to New Zealand to visit Jamie. So it wasn’t until quite recently, when I have been helping James to clear her house, that I really started reflecting on her life and how close we became as she grew older and how much I miss her. She was so brave and stoical as she had to endure more and more medical issues. All those injections to her eye to slow down macular degeneration, and she never complained once. Or the time she mangled her finger in a taxi door but simply bandaged it and wrapped a silk scarf around her hand, because we were all going to a concert together in the evening. She didn’t tell us until the end of the concert when the blood started seeping through at an alarming rate and we ended up at A&E! And one time when I was really stressed at work and I mentioned it to her, and she was really indignant on my behalf and offered to “phone the school board” to complain, which I found very endearing. 
And she loved the sunshine so much, and liked nothing better than a run in the car on a warm day, and she was the last surviving grandparent of our children, and she loved them. I miss her, and her death has reminded me of how much I miss my own parents and Jimmy Anderson too. 

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