Tuesday 2 June 2020

Early morning walk

The hot weather continues here, and barbecue number 5 is planned for this evening. I think that we will just be in time before the weather breaks because it’s supposed to be cooler and cloudier tomorrow. It was a good weekend in the sunshine. Heather and Ewan cycled over to see us on Sunday afternoon (fourteen hilly miles each way; they are so fit!) It’s the first time that we have seen them since lockdown started in March and although we have enjoyed our weekly Zoom calls with them it was much better to see them in person. We obeyed the Phase 1 regulations by meeting with them in the garden, not the house. We remained the advised six feet apart from them and they brought their own cups and I provided wrapped ice lollies. Ally was out meeting Andrew in Maxwell Park, however Cat and Davie both joined us and we all had a very pleasant chat.
I have been enjoying doing some drawing in Susan’s Shed, which is in a cool, shady corner of the garden, perfect for the hot weather. Davie joined me there yesterday for afternoon tea in its leafy glade, it was like being in the Botanic Gardens!
This morning James persuaded me to join him for his morning walk at the horrifyingly early hour of 6.30 a.m. He promised me that the Clyde Walkway would be cool and quiet at that hour and so it was. We didn’t see any cyclists at all until 7 a.m. and there were hardly any walkers. The few people that we met all knew James and said hello to him! I walked a shortened route while James strode off on his full 12 km circuit, then we met back at the house for breakfast al fresco. 

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