Wednesday 16 October 2024

Setting off to New Zealand

I had an interview yesterday morning for the Children’s Panel. Ally W is already a panel member and she told me about what it involves, and that sparked my interest. I found out more about it, went to an information evening and duly applied. The interview went well, although I inevitably felt that I could have explained a few things better, and they will let me know if I’ve been successful in November. When I left the Council Offices in Almada Street I felt light-hearted. I had spent quite a bit of time preparing for my interview so now I felt free as a bird. 

After a celebratory lunch of potato scones I did admin, tidying, double-checked the contents of my case, and posted some letters. Flora came up onto the bed so that I could pat her as I went to sleep, I’m sure that both cats knew that we are going away because of the big cases being packed. 

This morning we said goodbye to the cats; Tom made himself scarce after he had his breakfast, no doubt wary in case we intended to take him with us, and Flora accompanied us to the steps outside the front door, did a poo in the flowerbed and watched us leave. I will miss them very much. We are now on the plane about to set off on the first leg of our journey, London to Heathrow on BA. James is doing his sudoku and I’m going to continue reading A Place of Greater Safety by Hilary Mantel. 

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