Saturday 12 October 2024

Birthday shopping and Alex Salmond

Today was a very rainy day but strangely interspersed with blue skies and sunshine. When one of the very heavy bouts of rain came on in the morning, Floof came shooting in through the cat flap; she must have been very nearby because she was hardly wet at all. Then both cats went over to the French windows and stared at the rain in amazement and some alarm. 
Alison T came round for coffee in the morning and it was great to see her. And after lunch we met up with Davie & Chanel at the Outdoor Experience to buy presents for their birthdays, which are both this month while we will be in NZ. Both presents had a hill-walking theme, because Davie and Chanel are going to walk the West Highland Way next week. We had a cup of tea with them and a good chat. Later in the afternoon we heard that Alex Salmond has died at the age of sixty nine. Not very old at all. I remember seeing him outside the Eden Court in Inverness in the late 1980s, not long before he became leader of the SNP for the first time. He was a striking figure, full of the joys, and was enjoying being the centre of attention. 

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