Sunday, 2 March 2025

A walk from Warwick to Leamington Spa

We woke to an absolutely glorious day and decided to have breakfast in the nearby village of Woodstock followed by a walk in Blenheim Palace grounds. Woodstock is very pretty, as is the way of English villages. The pastries in the wee coffee shop were fresh and delicious. There is an entrance from the village in Blenheim, and by going for another visit we thereby slashed our costs per visit to £20.50 each! Another visit in the summer perhaps to bring the average visit price down even further? Of course Russ and Jenn told us last night that there are gates that the locals know where you don’t have to pay. The grounds were much busier on this sunny Sunday, with families and dogs abounding. 
Our next stop was Warwick for a walk to Leamington Spa via the River Avon and the Union Canal, stopping at the Moorings pub on the way for a refreshing cool drink. Leamington Spa’s parks were filled with people strolling about, much as I would imagine they did in Victorian times after “taking the waters.” We circled around the town centre and back along the river to Warwick. It was a really pleasant 9 km walk. 
Now we are at Birmingham Airport awaiting our flight home. 

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