The day started with a drama involving Tom, Flora, James and Fluffy, a local cat who has been intruding into our house recently, using his cat magnet to open the cat flap. Fluffy is not his real name; he is so called by us because of his (or her) fluffy ears. James was awoken by hissing sounds from both of our cats, who were trying to prevent Fluffy from coming up our stairs. This seemingly bold move from Fluffy turned out to be because he had found himself trapped in the front of the house, because the door between the hall and the back room had been closed (probably pushed closed when Tom and Flora were trying to repel him!) so Fluffy was looking for another means of escape. James then entered the fray and Fluffy ran away from him back downstairs, racing up and down the hall and hurling himself alternately against the front door and the door to the back room in terror. Then he ran upstairs again and tried to jump out of our bedroom window, to no avail because it wasn’t open wide enough. James opened the door downstairs and Fluffy ran into the back room and jumped out of the cat flap. I hope that this unfortunate experience finally gives Fluffy the message that he is not welcome to come swanning into our house to eat our cats’ food.
After a pleasant and useful day we met Marjory and Forrest at Ask Italian where we had a good meal and catch up before going to the Mike and the Mechanics concert at the Royal Concert Hall; our Christmas present from them. Mike Rutherford arrived on the stage using crutches and announced that he broke his hip only 12 days ago! This did not hold him back and he sat on a chair during the concert, playing his guitar manfully. The rest of the band were great too, including Phil Collins’ drummer son Nic, whom we saw playing the drums at the last ever Genesis concert. Tim Howar and Andrew Roachford were excellent vocalists, backed up by Anthony Drennan (bass guitar) and Luke Juby (keyboard and guitar.) It was a really excellent concert, and the audience, a full house on a Monday night in March, loved it.