Tuesday 26 April 2022

Pie Run

This morning we went to Lochinver on our traditional “pie run” but first we went for a walk. Two walks in fact. James wanted to walk in to Suilven Bothy and I knew that he would set a dauntingly fast pace, so I decided to do my own walk. I walked across the bridge and up past Highland Stoneware to see where the road led. When I got to the very end of the upper road I saw a wee grassy path so asked a man (who was working in the garden of a self-catering cottage) where it would lead me. He said that it would eventually take me to the road to Achmelvich, so it must meet up with the path that we have taken to Achmelvich several times before. I didn’t try to go all the way to Achmelvich but I enjoyed walking along the pretty path, lined with trees and old stone dykes. As I arrived on the open high moorland I sat down for a rest and heard some strange snorting noises. I looked round and noticed about twenty deer watching me from the crest of a hill about 20 metres away. I sat still as they trotted down the slope; they were so beautiful. 
I walked back into the village and with perfect timing I met James just as he came walking out of the road from Suilven. There was only one place open for lunch in the village and that was the pie shop, or Lochinver Larder, as it is properly called. We ordered at the van and sat at one of the picnics tables to await our hot pies (and the chilled ones that we would be taking home.) I have to say that the pies were absolutely delicious. James of course chose venison for himself, which made me feel bad for those lovely gentle deer whom I had encountered earlier. 

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