Wednesday 30 March 2022

Hyde Park and more Theatre

Today James and I had a brilliant walk right through Hyde Park to The Albert Hall and saw (I think for the first time) the ornate Albert Memorial that was designed after Prince Albert’s death. We noticed lots of young graduates milling about in gowns. They had just had a delayed (due to Covid) graduation ceremony from Imperial College London, and the bell in the college’s tower was pealing in celebration. 
We went back into the V&A and went upstairs to look at furniture designs from the Great Exhibition in 1850 and loads of ceramics. We looked for our parents’ old dinner sets and tea sets in the 20th century section and were disappointed not to find some of them, although there were some that were very similar. 
We met Jennifer and Cat for a delicious dinner before James headed off for a drink with Ally and we three ladies went to see a play called Cock, starring Jonathan Bailey (who also plays the oldest brother in Bridgerton), Taron Egerton, Jade Anouka and Phil Daniels. Taron Egerton currently has Covid and was replaced this evening by understudy Joel Harper-Jackson. It was a pity not to see the talented Egerton but his replacement was excellent and anyway I think that the real star of the show was Jonathan Bailey, who played John. It was billed as a comedy and there were some very funny moments but it was also very thoughtful and intense, with only the four characters and minimal scenery. There was no right or wrong in the decision that John had to make, and all of the characters had their own agendas which made it all the more confusing for him. I enjoyed it very much and will be thinking about it for a long time.

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