Saturday 7 July 2018

Bluejay on my balcony

Wednesday was Independence Day and the day that we entered Yosemite National Park over the Tioga Pass. As soon as we took the turn off from Lee Vining, the road just rose higher and higher to just short of 10000 feet. We could see the peaks of the Yosemite Valley laid out before us. James had the day all planned. He would climb Mount Hoffman and I would go up the same trail but spend time at beautiful May Lake instead of going all the way up to the summit. And so it transpired. The trail to May Lake ascended gently and wended its way through a rocky landscape; great slabs of granite studded with trees and lots of wild flowers. It took me about forty-five minutes. Then I explored the lakeside in both directions and admired the views of Mount Hoffman towering above, before settling down at a picturesque spot to relax and paddle a little. Swimming in the lake is banned because it’s a drinking source but I reckoned that a wee paddle wouldn’t do anyone any harm!
James arrived at the lakeside with tales of his adventures on the mountain - it sounded quite a scramble near the top - he had fantastic views over Yosemite. John Muir said that if you had only one day in Yosemite, then Mount Hoffman is the place to go. On the way up and down the hill we heard a strange pulsing noise; we found out later that it’s the call of the sooty grouse.
We drove to our hotel, the Yosemite Valley Lodge, and were delighted to find that our balcony looks out over Yosemite Falls, with a blue jay hopping about in the trees outside.

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