Saturday 7 December 2013

Shopping, vet and wrapping

We had rather a successful shopping trip this morning and I'm pleased to say that our Christmas shopping is complete! I have to admit that this is mainly thanks to James who nagged me into doing our online shopping last week and then hounded me into town this morning to buy the last few things. Although I did have some inspirational ideas so it was teamwork really. We celebrated with a lovely coffee at Carluccio's before heading home.
Our next task was to take Jack to the vet's for his blood tests to see how his wee kidneys are functioning. We were concerned to find out that he has lost more weight since the summer, so I hope the blood tests are ok. We will find out next week. Jack was taken downstairs again to get his bloods taken; this seems to happen now since the regrettable incident a few months ago when he lashed out violently at the vet, I wonder if there's a note on his file to say that he needs more than one vet to handle him. When he was brought back upstairs there was a bandage on his leg because he had been so lively that the needle had ripped his skin. Also they had only been able to examine one of his ears (investigating his deafness) because in the vet's words "he was raging" and wouldn't let them look in the other one! And he's such a good-natured boy at home, going to the vet must really stress him out.
When we got home we lit the fire in the lounge and listened to Christmas music while I wrote cards and James wrappers presents. Jack removed his bandage with his teeth and relaxed by the fire. 

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