Thursday, 14 June 2012

Advice from my son

I was really moved to receive this email from David who sent it to me when I was feeling a bit disgruntled about something. He is so thoughtful. I have always aimed to be a parent to my children rather than trying to be their friend, however it is very gratifying that they are beginning to become friends to me too!

Hi Mum
I found an interesting Psychology article and I think that this passage would explain why people can appear to be horrible towards other people:

"Ever wonder how an encounter goes so quickly awry? Doubt your own perceptions? Feel thrown totally off balance by another person? Manipulation comes in many forms: There are whiners. There are bullies. There are the short-fused. Not to forget the highly judgmental. Or the out-and-out sociopath. But they often have one thing in common: Their MO is to provoke, then make you feel you have no reason to react—and it's all your fault to begin with! Feeling deeply discounted, even totally powerless, while having to jettison the original aim of an interaction is a distressing double whammy of social life—and a cardinal sign you're dealing with a difficult person. No, it's not you. It's them. And it's the emotional equivalent of being mowed down by a hit-and-run driver."

Remember that its their goal to make you feel like you have done something wrong so don't take it to heart if people have goes at you.
